Alrighty.... Happy February!!! Valentines is right around the
corner...are you ready for it?
If you were ever like me and a little curious.... here is some history reading material for you:
"Ancient sources reveal that there were several St. Valentines who died on Feb. 14. Two of them were executed during the reign of Roman Emperor Claudius Gothicus in 269-270 A.D., at a time when persecution of Christians was common.
How do we know this? Because, an order of Belgian monks spent three centuries collecting evidence for the lives of
saints from manuscript archives around the known world." Read the entire article HERE
So how do you celebrate Valentines? I like to do heart attacks on my kids mirrors/door.. this is where i basically cover it in sticky notes with all the things I love about them written on them. :) I would love to hear what you do at your end. Hit reply and let me know.
This last month 2 episodes went live on the podcast.... I got to spend some time with Elevate with Verne and
The Official Glue.
Make sure you TUNE
I also ran a iphone photography basics for your biz workshop and it was tons of fun! There was lots of great feedback and questions and I will def be doing that again soon! Keep an eye
out if you missed it this time but might want to join in on the next one.
Read more on the blog: